Ladies And Gentlemen I think we all enjoy a good burrito. This recipe is one of the few recipes I’ve found that could survive “Food Truck” level of of satisfaction. That is, I mean it’s the only one that I would feel like everyone should try AS-IS. Do not change a thing…just ask them for one the way it comes.
And here’s the recipe.
- Prepare cilantro lime sauce, add to sauce containers
- Slice chicken in width-wise strips no wider than 1/2 in
- Marinade the chicken at least 6 hours. Any less, wait a day. Results cannot be guaranteed otherwise.
- Cut peppers and onions into 1/4 in slices
- Cook Cilantro lime rice according to recipe.
- Set blackstone to high
- Once blackstone reaches high heat, add chicken, spread out
- Cook on high heat for 5-7 minutes*
- Flip and continue to cook for another 5-7 minutes, checking between until your chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.
- Remove chicken to rest
- Clean blackstone with wet cloth to remove build-up from marinade.
- Add peppers & onions to blackstone
- Cook peppers and onions through
- In a large burrito add ingredients:
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- 1/4 C bed of rice
- 1/2 C chicken
- 1/2 C peppers & onions
- 1 tbsp of special sauce
- 12 g lettuce (?)
- 2 tbsp salsa
- roll burrito